Arbejderbevægelsens Kollegium is located on the top of Sohngårdsholmsbakken, which is a nice and quiet area and right next to the beautiful Sohngårdsholms Slotspark. It is close to the city center and AAU Campus, and well served by public transport, which makes the Kollegium attractive for students.

The apartments at Arbejderbevægelses Kollegium are assigned through Studiebolig Aalborg and the International office at Aalborg University.

Address: Borgmester Jørgensensvej 3 -7, 9000 Aalborg

Midlertidig lukning af internettet

Da ABK-Net skal opdatere internettet vil det være nede mandag d. 18 oktober og mandag d. 25 oktober fra kl. 16-00. Vi beklager de gener det måtte medføre.

Hilsen ABK-Net

Due to ABK-Nets work upgrading the internet, there will be some downtime Monday the 18 of October and Monday the 25 of October. We are sorry for any inconveniences.


A little about heat in the radiators

The radiator system starts up automatically depending on the outdoor temperature. The system only starts when the outside temperature is constantly below 20 degrees. During the weekend and the first days of this week, the temperature was down to 10 degrees over several days and then the plant starts. At the same time in block 3, the radiators are often shut off, and the water drained as they dismantle the radiator and switch on the underfloor heating in the bathroom in connection with the bathroom renovation. [Read More]

The internet connection is down. UPDATE: It's back up!

Due to the power outage the internet is currently unavailable.

We are working as hard as we can to fix this and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

We will update this post as soon as we fix it.

UPDATE: The connection should now be back up for all residents.

The internet may operate in a degraded state, but we will be fixing it soon :)

Power outage in block 5

Unfortunately we have to turn off the power for approx. 45 min from kl. 13.00 to Day in Block 5.

We apologize for the inconvenience and the short notice.

Motionsrummet åbner igen 1. September

Velkommen tilbage

Husk fortsat de gode vaner.

Hold afstand.

Bliv hjemme, hvis du er syg.

Af sprit håndtag og greb efter øvelser.

Hold 2 meters afstand i frivægts- og tårnområder.

Keep in mind the good habits.

Keep distance.

Stay home if you are ill.

Clean handles and grips after exercises.

Keep 2 meters away in free weight and tower areas

Generalforsamling i ABK-Baren


Danish ABK-Baren indkalder til generalforsamling d. 7. september 2021 kl. 20 i fælleshuset! ABK-Baren er ABK’s “festudvalg” og arrangør af fredagsbarer og andre sociale events. Vi er drevet 100% af frivillige kræfter fra kollegiet, og vi kan derfor altid bruge din hjælp. Efter en lang nedlukning i forbindelse med Covid-19 skal der gøres klar til, at fredagsbaren igen kan åbne døren til billige drikkevarer, musik, dans, beer-pong og ikke mindst masser af hygge! [Read More]

Fælleshuset åbner/common house Opens

Juhuu!! Vi har fået grønt lys til at åbne og bruge fælleshuset igen. Dette sker som efterfølge, at de sidste reskriktioner om areal- og afstandskrav udfaset fra den 14.8. Hvilket betyder at fælleshuset og stillerummet (ved postkasserne i blok 5) bliver åben til normal brug og snart vil fredagsbar blive genindført når den er blivet klar. Regeringens nuværende retningslinjer gælder stadig, at vi passer på hinanden og spritter af. Derfor, vil der stå sprit rundt omkring til hænder og sprit til border. [Read More]