A little about heat in the radiators

The radiator system starts up automatically depending on the outdoor temperature. The system only starts when the outside temperature is constantly below 20 degrees. During the weekend and the first days of this week, the temperature was down to 10 degrees over several days and then the plant starts. At the same time in block 3, the radiators are often shut off, and the water drained as they dismantle the radiator and switch on the underfloor heating in the bathroom in connection with the bathroom renovation. [Read More]

Lukning af vandet i blok 3


I forbindelse med opstart på renovering af badeværelserne vil der mandag d. 16.08.2021 mellem kl. 08.00-12.00 være lukket for vandet i blok 3.

Vi beklager meget de gener dette måtte medføre.


Due to the renovation of the bathrooms we have to close the water in block 3 on Monday 16.08.2021 between 08.00-12.00 (24h format).

We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.